Saturday, 8 November 2014

Clive Wentworth....

Clive Wentworth is what you could call a real kiwi battler!
He sits in a tidy and function office and talks about how
he started off as a one-man band going around car yards grooming cars
and then in the last four years has grown his business 
with a large premises and ten staff.

When you talk to Clive about his business,
he doesn't talk about making money, he talks about paying it forward.
It gives him real joy to be able to help out others
because of the opportunities running his own business gives him.
His chosen charity is Ronald McDonald house
who he has been supporting both with time and with finances for three years.

Clive talks about how you can think you are having a bad day,
but then you go to Ronald McDonald house and see people who are still smiling
even though they are going through the toughest of times.
He said it really puts it in perspective.

Doing fight for Christchurch has been an opportunity to do something for himself
as well, to finally do some training and to get fit
all in the name of a very good cause!!!

You get the feeling that not only is Clive going to keep right on
supporting Ronald McDonald house,
but he is going to keep right on keeping fit too.

Go Clive Go!!!

You can support Clive's Givealittle page here
and you can still buy tickets to the Fight for Christchurch event here.

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Darren @Chillingsworth Road....

Darren Wright is Chef at Chillingworth Road,
a very smart restaurant tucked away in an inauspicious shopping complex
on Cranford Street.

He is a competitive and highly motivated man
who somehow manages to juggle a lot of different roles
and makes it look easy!

He loves to cook and is vice-captain of the New Zealand Culinary Team
which is like the culinary version of the Olympics.

He enjoys the challenge of cooking under pressure
and producing delicious and striking food.

He loves his family and spends as much time as possible with them,
encouraging them in their sports and other interests.

Darren is super fit and loves to push his body to the limits,
more recently in mountain biking
doing tracks like the Heaphy Track on his mountain bike.

His motivation for fundraising is his wee mate Lockie
who bravely fought a five year battle with cancer
(and sadly lost). Darren is fighting for Lockie on the 22nd
and for Cure Kids, an organisation that takes on the fight for sick kids.

It does seem like Darren is going to be a hard man to beat!
Don't be fooled by the smile, this is one competitive chap.
You can support him on his Givealittle page here
and don't forget to buy your Fight tickets here.